Each vignette offers you a small window into the vastness of Amashik—an ambient worldbuilding experience that unveils the untold tales and mysteries of this enchanting realm.
The hills that encircled the training grounds fought hard each day to blot out the rising sun. Or so it seemed from where Victor stood. The commander waited atop the arena floor with his back to the Bay of Peaks; waves sprayed salty water across the sand as they crashed against its jagged edges.
In the coming months, Victor Grimshaw’s patience would be tested. Every morning, his men flooded these grounds to test their mettle, as was the warrior’s way. Except these men were more than warriors; these men turned their lives around in service to an ideal.
The only men more fearsome than desperate ones were those who’d known true devotion. Victor’s men wouldn’t run from a fight, nor would he. His wife, Lady Leyna Bolisk, rode for Riverburgh with half their forces- and she was the realm’s biggest target.
No one in Athea had a better chance than she to join the Second Ennead. And once elected, who would dare deny Lord Frederick Bolisk's granddaughter a title once stolen from him?
The men under Victor’s command came pouring over the hillside. A sense of ease came over him as those in his charge found their positions. Moments later, each of them stood fixated on their commander, awaiting his call. Victor's call to arms, like the man himself, embodied a beautiful simplicity.
“Disciplined men make for formidable warriors.”
With those words, this and every day, the yard began to sing. If the time were to come for this lot of reformed beggars and thieves to take up arms in defense of the House that took them in, Victor knew they’d be ready.
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