In the heart of Athea lies a large wooded area known as Nonet Forest.
Encircled by Riverburgh, Olisia, Densewood, Annsbury, and Ennea this forest is some of the most fiercely protected land in all of the republic kingdom. Many believe its closely watched for the safety of the citizens of Athea, most noteably, its children. Stories of children gone missing inside Nonet forest are well known, so much so many attribute it to an otherworldly force. One story in particular sticks in the mind’s of Atheans and is believed to be the cause for the evil presence that dwells within the woods.
It is said that the spirits of widowed mothers haunt Nonet forest; and not just any widows, but those of husbands who fought and died on behalf of the Empire in early years of the war of secession.
You see, once Lord Bolisk was given the role of justiciar, or executioner depending on one’s loyalties, the Queen's Court made its first trip around Athea. This inaugural trip saw thousands rounded up and either killed or imprisoned. One of the most disturbing tales to survive this time was what was done with the wives and children of those who defended the Empire most fervently.
The children were taken and given over to the original nine houses of the first to serve as wards while their mothers were said to be led into Nonet forest never to be seen again. The belief is that a mass execution was held in those woods. A deed so gruesome that it’s said Lord Bolisk didn’t want to stain the Ennead’s reputation by doing in public.
To this day stories of sobbing women being heard in the middle of the night or playing children never returning after wandering into the forest are familiar to those who live near Nonet. Mothers report being led on dizzying chases into the woods by shapeless black forms- forms who they believe have stolen their children- only to lose themselves in the process. Even cases of people, some as young as toddlers, walking off- deaf to all sound, hardened to all touch, enthralled by something unnatural- aren’t unheard of.
Despite their prevalence, some don’t take these stories seriously.
Many believe these stories to be the doing of the Ennead itself. In The Book of The Divine there are references to sites where Balthazar Andion was visited by the Divine herself and while many of these sites happen to be welcomed places of worship, some are kept secret. A cult currently growing in popularity known as Divinity’s Children has unveiled a handful of these sites. Claiming they are still “active” and “thin enough to reach Her.” Could Nonet be home to one or more of these sites? Only those brave enough to venture within can be sure.