Good Day Traveler,
It has been quite some time since our last correspondence.
I do apologize. I hope this letter finds you at peace. These past few months within The Republic Kingdom have been anything but. That said, in the off chance my previous letters did not reach you, let me reintroduce myself.
My name is Jolin Lovet, Republic Kingdom renowned Bard. When I was first made aware of your arrival to Dunport I made sure to send you this:
Go ahead and read that now if you must, it’ll get your journey into Athea started by giving you some semblance of what the Ennead is up against. Queen Ellaria has been preparing for this moment her entire life and King Ulius, while ever the brute, is perfectly suited for moments like these. I have it on good account that it’s the reason he was allowed to marry our dear Queen in the first place… I digress.
More importantly, I think the troubling news coming from the west warrants you staying put for now. If the rumors are true, and I have it on good authority that they are, mercenaries have just led another raid into our lands. The aforementioned Kingly Brute took care of them though, so you need not worry:
While some of the recounting is a bit grotesque, it should put you at ease as you settle into your new place within Dunport.
While at ease, I’d like for you to take a look at something. That which brought me to write you in the first place. I have been given a copy of one of the rarest maps in all of Amashik. A map of the far west and the mythical lands of Ingenwia! As you may well know the lineage of cartographers, known to us only as D. Strange, have been silent for quite some time.
This family has spent generations collectively mapping the known world, and for the first time since the reign of the 2nd Generation of the 1st Ennead, they have resurfaced! The last new map had been a commission of Queen Elra Shadoon, in Divinity may she rest, herself. This, which is an incomplete version unfortunately, is something else entirely. I’d heard of the far west. Its uniqueness, its majesty, its… secrets, for most of my life. And it is my great honor to unveil it to you here in all its glory.
Trust that when I get my hands on the completed version you will certainly hear from me again. Until then, may the Divine watch over you.