Great dialogue here. Also really appreciate the BTS look at your process!

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Thank you man! Always love feedback from other creators. I’m looking forward to sharing more 🙏🏾

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Thanks for the shout-out, JL!

I noticed that you changed Ripon's appearance from the script to add facial hair. Interested to hear the reason for that change.

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Anytime! Happy to share your work. 🙏🏾

Ripon’s appearance changed to give him a bit more of a distinct look. When I first started working with Luke, as is the case with most artists I work with, I like to give them room to interpret characters and make changes where they think it fits the narrative. Because Ripon plays a slightly large role role than the others he’s with Luke made the choice to distinguish him a bit.

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I really love this first scene and how it introduced the characters as well as setting a tone for what we can expect from this story and world.

Loving movies for more a long time now and writing, scripts were always a fascination for me and I am thrilled to see you share these with us. Was wondering if/how scripts for comics were different than the ones for the screen, but it seems that it is not so so different.

There were changes, but for the most part, all seemed pretty much like on the pages. I also like how you describes the scenes and actions- and if I am not wrong, taken from a podcast/interview you've done that I listened to - the way you are writing your script is close to a novel version of phrases (still very descriptive and fleshed out) and I could see it here above.

What I like from this first scene/that scene, is how the sons have different approach to what is happening, but also towards their father's action. As said above:

''How does a father justify murder? How do his children see him? Do they admire him? Fear him? Both? What are a father's responsibilities when stewarding his son's into a life of constant military conflict and strife?''. I really like that you are considering this aspect for their relationship and looking forward to it's development over the future arcs/projects/short stories...

On a last note, it is well only my opinion, but Ulius does give me a sort of Tywin Lannister feel. Weather it is close or not, I see him as a man who knows what he wants, direct with words, not scared to take action, and a certain level of wisdom that earn him respect from the people that would stand before him. All in all, I don't think I'd mess with him, but rather have him on my side.

Well, these BTS/Script pages are really attracting to me and it will be a joy to read more of them!

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