Each vignette offers you a small window into the vastness of Amashik—an ambient worldbuilding experience that unveils the untold tales and mysteries of this enchanting realm.
The stage was set in Shadegulf for Lord Urik’s seditious plot. The old man’s disdain for the fledgling republic he helped to found swayed enough of the ruling class to stir winds of insurrection. Yet it was his kin, Lord Uldrick, and his love for the Empire of old that set the kindling for rebellion.
With his back to The Ennead’s seat in the north, Jonah Urik, who’d spent his entire life in service of The Rule of Nine, now rode in direct opposition to it; held in his hand the flint and steel that could set it all ablaze.
-Excerpt from Volume 1 of “From Taverns to Empires: A Bard's Odyssey through Amashik” Written by Jolin Lovett
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