Before we go backwards, let’s re-establish where things stand.
The 3rd Generation of the 1st Ennead is standing on the precipice of a first of its kind transfer of power. Upon the death of Queen Ellaria Shadoon the 2nd Disentanglement will commence (read about the 1st one here). Word will first be sent to the 8 other houses with representatives on the Nine, alerting them of their monarch’s passing. They will each travel to Ennea after they’ve sent letters to their vassals, making them aware of the same.
This process, known as “the cascade,” is not codified within The Rule of Nine, but was the process of disseminating news the two previous generations preferred when Queens Athenia and Elra passed. It allows for those in positions of power to prepare themselves before news of the monarch’s death becomes too widespread. Remember, the nature and nuance of The Rule of Nine are new to everyone in this Republic Kingdom. And unlike those who hold power, the common folk don’t have much time or interest in keeping up with the political machinations of the elite. Any disruption to the rule of law in Athea could prove catastrophic.
With all of this in mind, it’s clear how delicate The Rule of Nine and the 1st Ennead are. Just as delicate as they are vital to the future of Athea. Considering this, why then did the 1st generation of the Ennead think that this is what their people needed? What led Ellaria’s grandmother to rally her eventual countrymen and women? Why rebel only to create a system as fragile as this?
In The Name of The Divine
History, as we know, is written by the victors. But in this case, it’s a bit early to declare a winner. While The Republic Kingdom of Athea has been in existence for over half a century that pales in comparison to the centuries long reign of the Dobashi Empire.
The nine houses that rose up did so against tremendous odds. What stood before them and their dreams of a new form of governance were at least twice as many houses of equal stature, and tenfold of minor import. Only convictions made of steel and stone wouldn’t be stirred by such a force. In the case of the Nine, some stood for theological reasons, others for the potential of financial gain, and a few undoubtedly acted for the sake of their familial legacy.
Lady Athenia had many friends in the eastern half of the Empire, the portion that would later be renamed in her honor. Chief among them was Lord Balthazar Andion, the Lord of Freemount. When the official histories are written, be it by a scholar of the 2nd Ennead or scribe of the Empire after the Ennead falls, this friendship will be imperative to understanding this period in Amashik.
It is said that years before Lady Athenia and the rest of the Nine gathered to organize, write, and sign The Rule of Nine Lord Balthazar began having visions, he’d called them visitations, by a figure known only to him as “The Divine.” The silhouetted figure that came to him warned of a great calamity that would “rattle all of Amashik” and bring upon it an age “unseen in centuries.”
The Lord of Freemount wrote of these visits to his dear friend, Lady Athenia Shadoon of Ennea and she became infatuated with them. She’d write him monthly and visit him almost as frequently. So much so that many believed the two were in love. Whether they were or not is of little concern at the moment, but suffice it to say that whatever the initial reason, the uptick in communication between the two led Lady Athenia to begin to believe they needed to act.
Lord Balthazar and Lady Athenia deduced from these cryptic messages that they must disassociate themselves with the Dobashi Empire to avoid damnation. After a time they’d convinced enough of their neighboring Lords and Ladies to legitimize their cause. How many of their number actually agreed that “The Divine” had ordained their cause as holy no one can say. It isn’t even clear if Lady turned Queen Athenia believed it so, but this didn’t stop her from using it to her advantage.
All Roads Led to War
After The Rule of Nine was written all wasn’t well. Battles broke out across the newly formed, and technically seditious, Republic Kingdom. While we won’t go into details of these just yet, know this: many Athean lives were lost while fighting in the name of the Dobashi Empire. That fact has yet to be forgotten.
In the year 229 ATS1, Queen Athenia, the daughter of a wealthy agriculturist, declared herself Queen at the age of 33. She ruled until she was assassinated at the age of 47. Her daughter Elra, age 27 at the time, took control of the 2nd generation of the 1st Ennead in 243. Now, 52 years later, her granddaughter is Queen and her war wages on.
“After the Shattering”- the period in Amashik after the cataclysm known as “The Shattering” or “The Separation”
It's so interesting to realize how fledgling the republic and the Ennead are. Their hold is a lot more tenuous than it would seem at first. And there's a lot more ruthlessness behind it then first apparent. Getting this bit of history into its founding is really crucial!