Ha ha, well that was a roller coaster of a catch up night reading all these posts. I'm glad you're going a bit readier-steadier. I always clench up a little it when creators announce they're doing something grandiose and risky-sounding. I know how easy it is to burn out and/or lose all hope when a wild stab at something fails. I'd rather you shoot for a target that's more of a given, so you can keep going, assured with the minor success vs. the massive go-for-broke one.

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I felt a tiny tickle of pride at your use of “roller coaster” there. I want to use my newsletter to be as open and honest as I can with folks. The fact that the last few weeks of posts presents like a roller coaster means I’m doing a good job 🎢

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Looking forward to book 8 and beyond! As it has been a bit since your last KS campaign, I think doing a one-book campaign next is a good idea (and it's not really a one-book campaign as you have the first volume to offer as well).

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“This is a fatal flaw I suffer from. And I think a lot of other indies do as well...”


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Thank you for the practical feedback. I’m glad you think the way you do. Just gotta go back to the lab 🥼

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